COVID-19 Help

How you can help

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The COVID Crisis is a complicated one.

The immediate health crisis is the most apparent, but this is bleeding into economic and social crises by the minute. The question now is how do we curb the crisis, and for those who are both willing and able, what can we do that would be genuinely impactful?

The Idea has formulated the three problem areas below which require the most attention in order of urgency and scale.

  1. Healthcare - even though The Idea has visibility in the industry and through the task force, we don’t know if we’re seeing the tip of the iceberg or the tip of the volcano due to current testing methods. As is, healthcare institutions are already running out of resources. This requires immediate assistance to prevent the problem from becoming worse and for much longer.

  2. SMEs - The real backbone of an economy is with small businesses. Given the downturn of the global economy, added to the reality of a partial withdrawal of the EBA, it is unlikely we can prevent mass layoffs in the industrial sector - namely factories. This leaves the next largest employers in the SME sector.

    If business confidence continues to decrease, we will be faced with mass layoffs and less spending across the economy meaning less business closures. And with no appropriate stimulus packages in sight, it would be a harsh outlook for Cambodia. [Note: Loans are not appropriate stimulus packages, and if executed poorly will lead to greater social issues down the line.]

  3. The Community - Due to the necessity of social/physical distancing, we are now steering people away from a physical sickness into a mental one. The reality is that many people are unable to cope in enclosed spaces for so long, and others who live alone are unable to get support, and in the case of Cambodia, many have just been laid off or given pay cuts. Expats have been the first to be laid off with NGO evacuations and school closures, the next big rounds of layoffs are locals in the hospitality and retail industries. This is not to mention the insufficient/lack of mental health infrastructure in Cambodia to cope with the rising anxiety, panic and fear that is grasping the country.

    Below are clear directions which you can do to help in this situation. Check out our Blog for advice and Here for why we are helping.

#1 Medical

The Idea has a COVID Task force channeling resources to the appropriate healthcare institutions.

You can help by donating cash, equipment and time to the cause.


  • The Khmer Soviet Hospital and other NGO funded organizations need support, please contact us so we can coordinate resources to the appropriate departments

  • Note: We will be updating this daily with needs and support from these institutions.

  • The image below is shared from the Khmer Soviet Hospital of items which they are short of, donations are welcome.

Hospital Needs for Covid - PPE - Personal Protection Equipment (Currently we do not have sponsors), Food & Drinks will be covered by Eat2Donate.

Hospital Needs for Covid - PPE - Personal Protection Equipment (Currently we do not have sponsors), Food & Drinks will be covered by Eat2Donate.

Big thanks to Y Chhe for their immediate support of over 200 boxes to the Khmer Soviet Hospital, Friday March 20th 2020 in response to COVID 19, coordinated by The Idea

Big thanks to Y Chhe for their immediate support of over 200 boxes to the Khmer Soviet Hospital, Friday March 20th 2020 in response to COVID 19, coordinated by The Idea



SMEs are the backbone of any economy and Cambodia’s is at risk. After tourism falls, partial EBA withdrawal and now COVID fear and lockdowns many are closing which is threatening thousands of jobs throughout Cambodia.


  • The Idea has developed a task force to work with hospitality businesses first on the Slaprea platform to promote F&B outlets willing to donate 1 meal for every $5 spent. Get eating :)

  • SME Resources are being developed daily to support businesses with tools and assets which can be found here on our blog. If you are happy to support a business through skilled volunteering please reach out and ask!

  • A ‘Payback’ or ‘Advanced Bulk Purchase’ Schemes are being developed so companies can purchases goods and services from SMEs now or over a retainer to assist with financial survival of SMEs. - You can already do this on your own! Look through your shopping list and see which SME you can negotiate and support during this time.

If you’re interested in directly helping some organizations, please check out some of the links below:

Cambodia Knits - Helping disadvantaged families with education and income from knitted products! Donate or buy a gift for yourself and your loved ones :)

Cambodia Knits - Helping disadvantaged families with education and income from knitted products! Donate or buy a gift for yourself and your loved ones :)

Send us a message if you’d like to place your advert for help and donations during the Covid Crisis. And don’t worry, this is completely free.



The Cambodian communities are most at risk, other than immediate family support, there are little to no support structures for locals (or expats).

The first thing you can do is practice compassion and kindness to those around you. It is an excellent opportunity to practice personal leadership in this time and support those in need simply by asking:

  • Those who live alone - unable get access to necessities due to panic buying, hoarding and other undesirable behaviours

  • Those who are remote working with children and have very little time

  • Those who are on low to no income - and also unable to access necessities

  • Those at highest risk of anxiety, stress and mental illnesses due to social/physical distancing - this includes people who are in groups and those in isolation.

Updates on this are coming shortly.

Currently we would like to push these below initiatives forward, please reach out to us for your help:

  • Parent Support Systems are being developed

  • Online Counselling and Buddy Systems are in planning phases

  • Grocery help

  • Community Care Packages - Just Good Sanitizer (in collaboration with Coco Khmer) are being developed - if you are an SME and happy to work with us on Care Packages please Contact Us here.